Sole Lovers: Chinese New Year 2021

[Theme] Time to 発 !

[The Idea] fá = Lucky, Huat, no. 8 / [Message] Discounts that has ‘8’, enjoy more discounts when you purchase >1 pair of shoe.

01/ Role

Graphic Designer / Digital Marketing / Visual Merchandiser

02/ Visuals

After confirming the discount details with the team, I begin to prepare the artworks for online & in-stores. Sale changes throughout the 1.5 months, therefore the different variations. In-store signages were sent to print and displayed thematically.

03/ Digital Marketing

Promotions occur concurrently online & offline. To reach our audiences, EDMs, postings & stories were scheduled and sent over the campaign period.


Visual Display


Social Media Visuals:

Translating the graphic that I have made into Instagram stories. Together with posts, it sets the mood for Chinese New Year. @solelovers

Screenshot 2021-04-06 at 6.29.43 PM.png